Who said growing old had to be a bad thing!?
The birthday project started out as a simple idea to create, host and sometimes… cheekily redesign a pre-existing event, to invite my friends and family along to.
Combining illustration experiments and newer graphics techniques, the yearly exorcises became a continuous way to advertise my work, venues I liked and keep my social media accounts up to date.
In the more recent years, I’ve used this as a way to document a yearly self-portrait update and my deadlock growth journey.
Klarko Twenty Seven
Continuing the theme of breaking down the human body by focusing on one structural part at a time.
I paired my skeleton illustration with my newest font family iteration Future Gothic Italic.
Klarko Twenty Six
My spin of the medical illustration of yesteryear with fictional annotations.
Klark °25
Due to time restraints, I dabbled outside the usual themes and illustrated something more stylistic.
A simple play on the saying “two in the hand” …Inspiration can be sparked over the most random things.
To further theme both images, I designed every graphical element on the right side to be in sets of three’s and everything on the left side is in sets of two’s.
23rd Birthday
The idea behind this was the blending of my newly acquired 3d wireframe in a retro asteroid style combined with two ‘trippy’ illustrations, peppered with some graphical flourishes.
Thanks for viewing!
I’ll spare you from the continuous scrolling here, check back here in a year or two if your curious where these experiments go next.
Hungry for more? Navigate to the next project below.