Something-Something Zine

“Expect nothing, embrace randomness”
Created in response to a university brief surrounding the concept of designing a 32-page picture book and complete it to publishing standards.
I took inspiration from the additional fortnightly booklets / mini zines which accompany many popular print magazines and Sunday newspapers.

About the zine.
The Studio Klarko: Something Something Zine was conceptualised in 2016 for the alternative, anti-conformist out there looking for something different, something a little extra and something entertaining!
The goal is to bring randomness in stylised pocket goodness!
Combining design, illustration and bottom of the barrel writing.
The articles, small factual tips, tricks and lifehacks contained within the print series are not to be taken too seriously and are for stylish and comedic entertainment only.
In this issue we look towards our french neighbours for a surprisingly simple dish with a modern lazy everyman twist on the old recipe, consider this a snack hack, so relax we’ve got your sugar craving covered!
This issue 00 is essentially a proof of concept and follows a simple narrative, to guide the reader throughout the process of creating a quick desert …in a mug!